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篇名 水土保持植生之灌溉與排水
卷期 12:1
作者 周樑津
頁次 073-075
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199102




For enhancing the conservation effect of vegetation on farmlands, it is necessary to cover the grass completely within six months after grass-planting, and to conduct proper irrigation and drainage practices for management of the vegetation established. Here first, we are pleased to introduce the irrigation methods for farmlands and for environmental greening and beautification. Second, we will discuss methods of drainage. For irrigation of farmlands: l.The rainy season is the main water supply for newlyplanted vegetation. 2.Grass planted on sideslopes of the road are usually irrigated manually with a hose. 3.1nstall several rows of sprinklers combined with the computer system to irrigate. For environmental greening and beautification: l.pop up type sprinkler, 2.spraying head against the perimeter, 3.under tree type micro spraying head. Secondly for the drainage of on ground: l.hillside ditch, 2.prefabricated ditch or flume, 3.parabolic shaped water way, 4L-shaped ditch. For underground drainpipe. Many observations on vegetation management have given significant results. The reproduction rate of the newly planted grasses in the first year increased about six hundred to nine hundred times under irrigation. The treatment of the orchard hillside ditching in combination with the practice of grass-covering reduced the annual soil loss to approximately zero. The runoff rate on the grass- covered land decreased greatly. With improved technology, several irrigation and drainage practices have showed their merits in maintaining and conserving vegetation on farmlands .

