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篇名 草類之水土保持及綠化功能
卷期 12:1
作者 簡碧梧
頁次 027-032
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199102




Grasses leaves break the initial erosive power of rain and protect the clogging of soil pores which would keep good infiltation condition and decreased run off. In the past, we have been' used several kinds of exoitic species for cover grasses which obtain good results; such as Bahia grasses, but Bahia grasses extension in orchard for cover grasses got bottleneck. for their high management cost. Ideally species should be harmony with the environment. Indigenous species and a mixture of grasses and green manure should be investigated and study in this island as soon as possible. Recently, grasses situated a vital part in enviromental green plant. We must study specific grasses for wide use, such as grasses ground of park, golf course, green park community, athletic groumd and recreation area. For these purpose. a new organization---Plant Material Center should be considered to establish, as soon as possible .

