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篇名 水土保持草類對主要環境因子之生理反應
卷期 12:1
作者 林信輝
頁次 041-053
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199102


本項研究係分期完成之試驗結果,主要目的係綜合探討控制環境下之水土保持草類生態生理特性。其中供試植物材料係目前台灣低海拔地區之主要水土保持應用草類,包括類地毯草、地毯草、百慕達草、假儉草、兩耳草、奧古斯丁草、百喜草A44及百喜草A33等。主要控制環境因子包括光度、溫度、土壤含水量、酸鹼度、鹽度等已完成之試驗項目。生理反應之測定則以生長生理、營養生理及水分生理為主。試驗方法分別於同化箱內測定植物光合成率與蒸散率光度與溫度之反應。以生量法試驗植物對不同今量之反應,以鹽分累積法試驗土耕盆栽植物對鹽度之反應。試驗結果,概述如下: 1. 就相對生長率而言,八種草類在中等土壤含水量之情況下,百慕達草、兩耳草及假儉草之相對生長率較高,顯示其初期生長較快,比較乾旱土壤水分處理區(I)與其它處區間之相對生長率,百慕達草、假儉草及百喜草A33處理間差異小,表示其受乾旱生長之影響較小,但百喜草A44、地毯草之生長率受乾旱之影響較大。 2. 地毯草與兩耳草在低光下之相對光合成率較高,顯示較適於低光下生長。百慕達草之低光利用效率最低,其他五種草類則介於其中。 3. 八種草類在低溫(10℃)時葉片之相對光合成率(對葉溫30℃時淨光合成率比值),由最高至最低依次為假儉草與百喜草A44,奧古斯丁草、兩耳草、百慕達草與類地毯草、百喜草A33、地毯草。在高溫(40℃)時之相對光合成率依次為兩耳草,百喜草A44、百喜草A33,與百慕達草、地毯草,奧古斯丁草,類地毯草,假儉草。顯示假儉草與百喜草A44較適於低溫下生長,兩耳草、百喜草與百慕達草較適於高溫下生長。 4. 八種供試草種於不同pH值水耕液處理下,就相對生長比值而言,pH值為3時各草中受影之程度由最大至最小依次為大葉百喜草、假儉草、兩耳草、地毯草、類地毯草、百慕達草、奧古斯丁草、小葉百喜草,pH值為9時,受影響之程度由最大至最小依次為類地毯草、地毯草、假檢草、兩耳草、大葉百喜草、奧古斯丁草、百慕達草。 5. 供試草種於不同pH值水耕液試驗中,隨pH值之升高,各草種葉片均有黃化現象,其中以小葉百喜草、大葉百喜草及奧古斯丁草較為嚴重;地毯草及類地毯草適應力較強。另計算所得各草種之相對生長率與植物體鉀素之含量呈線性正相關。 6. 本試驗所採用之八種草種,其耐鹽性可概分為三個等級,即較耐鹽者為奧古斯丁草、百慕達草及假儉草,耐鹽性中等者為大葉百喜草及小葉百喜草,耐鹽性較低者為類地毯草、地毯草及兩耳草。7. 經由水耕液試驗結果得知,生長速率減半之鹽分點,奧古斯丁草約在水耕液增加 12bar NaC1之處理區,小葉百喜草約在增加4bar之處理區,類地毯草則在增加2~4bar之間。此表示其耐鹽性以奧古斯丁草最佳,小葉百喜草次之,類地毯草最差。


For studies the ecophysiological characteristics of grasses under controlled environments, eight main Taiwan soil-conserving grasses were taken and their physiological responses to environment factors were measured. The results obtained are summarized as followlthree writings: 一、Responses of soil-conserving grasses to soil moisture, light intensity and temperatures. 1. Under medium soil water content ( treatment II-V), Burmuda grass and centipede grass had higher relative growth rate ( RGR ) and showed higher rate in the initial growth stage than the other species. .Comparing the RGR under the lowest soil moisture treatment ( I ), Bemuda grass, centipede grass and Bahia grass A44, were less different with other higher soil moisture treatment. That indicated they were less influenced by serious drought, but Bahia grass and carpet grass (Axonopus compressus t were very sensitive to drought. 2. Carpet grass (Axonopus compressus ) and buffalo grass had high relative photosynthetic rate under low light Intersity and they were more suitable to grow in shading. Bermuda grass and centipede grass had the lowest efficiency to use weak light. 3. The sequence of relative photosynthetic rates at low temperature ( urc : from the highest to the lowest was centipede grass, Bahia grass A44, S1. Augustina grass, buffalograss, Bermuda grass and carpet grass (Axonopus affinis), Bahia grass A33, carpet grass i Axonopus compressus ). The sequence of relative photosynthetic rates at high temperature (40°C) was Buffalo grass, Bahia grass' A44, Bahia grass A33 and Bermuda grass, carpet grass (Axonopus affinis ), centipede grass. That indicated centipede grass and Bahia grass A44 were more, adaptable at low temperature and buffalo grass, Bahia grass arid Bermuda grass were more suitable at high temperature. 二、 Responses of soil-conserving grass to culture acidity. For studies the responses of eight main soil-conserving grasses to culture acidity, seven acidity (pH value) treatments were taken, and agronomic characteristics as well as mineral element contents were measured. Results obtained are: 1. Comparing to the mean RGR of 4 pH 5 treatment, the sequence of RGR influenced by acid cultural solution (pH 3 ) from the most to the least, was Bahia grass ( broad leaf), centipede grass to Bahia grass (narrow leat). Under pH 9 treatment, the degree of influence, from the most .to the least, was carpet grass (narrow leaf) , carpet grass ( broad leaf ), centipede grass, sour grass, bahia grass ( broad leaf ), Augustine grass and Bermuda grass. 2. Under high pH value treatments, the chlorosis was slight on carpet grass, but serious on Bahia grass and Augustine grass. The potassium content of each grass was positively linearly correlated with its RGR of grass. 3. The purpose of this study was to comparing the responses of grass to main environmental stresses. Result obtained could be used as for revegetating at specific disturbed areas. 三、Physiological responses of soil-conserving grasses to degree of salinity. 1. In terms of salt tolerance, St. Augustine grass, Bermuda grass and centipede grass were relatively high among the tested grasses: carpet grass, tropical carpet grass and sour grass were relatively low and brlad-leaf Bahia grass and narrow-leaf Bahia grass intermediate. 2. Based on the results of hydroponics, St. Augustine grass showed the best growth in the 8 bar NaCl solution. 3. The salinity for half growth rate was added 12 bar NaCl for' S1. Augustine grass; 4 bar for Bahia grass ( narrow leaf) and 2-4 bar for carpet grass. It implied that the salt tolerance of the tested from the most to the least, was S1. Augustine grass, Bahia grass (narrow leaf) and carpet grass ( narrow leaf ). 4. The contents of potassium and magnesium of St. Augustine grass, Bahia grass and carpet grass were negatively correlated with the degrees of salintiy.The calcium content of St. Augustine grass was negatively correlated with salinity, while that of carpet grass was positively correlated weth salinity.

