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篇名 水土保持植生的土壤肥料管理
卷期 12:1
作者 楊秋忠
頁次 054-058
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199102




Soil management of slopeland for plant growth is different from lower lands. Correct developments and concepts are necessary for slopeland management. Otherwise, incorrect development, planting and management will get many problems. Particularly, Taiwan is located in subtropical area with high temperature and rainfall. Before setting of the soil and water conservation treatment, soil errosion is big problem in the slopeiand. Particularly, the utilization of fast decomposed organic matter and chemical fertilizers caused the polution of river, dam, and water reservoir. Therefore, the protection and good managemint of plantation is important to soil and water conservation. For the soil and water conservation, the improvement for the soil limiting factors is basal way to modify soil physical, chemical and biological factors, particularly to improve soil aggregation stability, pH, mutrient status, and soil biological problems. Correct fertilization in amounts and methods of fertilizers need to be considered. Applications of slow-release fertilizers, drop irrigation, deep application, and microbials also need to use for maintaining long term purposes in soil fertility .

