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篇名 稗草[Echinochloa crus-galli(L.) Beauv.]對嘉磷塞及丁基拉草之反應
卷期 14:1
作者 張富洲楊純明
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199306


本項試驗係於1992年在臺灣省農業試所農場以盆栽方式進行,調查稗草對施用1.52與0.75kg ha-1嘉磷塞(glyphosate)及1.5與0.75kg ha-1丁基拉草(butachlor)後之反應。根據試驗結果,在6-至9-葉齡期(營養生長期)噴施嘉磷塞,可於處理後14天之前達到完全殺草效果;在抽穗開花期,高、低劑量則分別達到77與48%。丁基拉草僅在營養生長期具有殺草效果,在施用後14天高劑量為33%,低劑量則為8%。嘉磷塞噴後4天即使稗草植株出現明顯萎凋,因此株長、葉數、分蘗數及葉面積均顯著減少。丁基拉草對稗草葉數及分蘗數之負面影響,只發生在營養生長期且在高劑量下;而葉面積在施藥14天,高、低劑量分別在營養生長期使葉面積下降為對照組的36與67%,在抽穗開花期則為對照組的49與61%。試驗顯示,嘉磷塞及丁基拉草對稗草的殺草效果關鍵在於施用時期的選擇。其中丁基拉草不適用於稗草6-至9-葉齡以後施用。


Experiments were conducted to investigate the responses of barnyardgrass to 1.52 and 0.76 kg/ha ha-1 of glyphosate and 1.5 and 0.75 kg/ha of butachlor in different stages of lifespan. Barnyardgrass were grown in pots and placed in the field in 1992. It showed that plants were completely killed in either rate of glyphoste by 14 days after tereatment (DA T) in the 6- to 9- leaf stage, .but were 77 and 48% at 1.52 and 0.76 kg ha-l, respective, in heading stage. Barnyardgrass killed by butachlor was 33%. at 1.5 kg ha-l, and 8%, at 0.75 kg ha-l, by 14 DAT in vegetative stage but not in the heading. Reduced plant length, leaf and tiller numbers and leaf area were observed after glyphosate applications, began by 4 DA T. Whereas, butachlor decreased the growth of leaves and tillers only at higher rate in vegetative stage. Leaf area was reduced to 36 and 67% of control by butachlor at 1.5 and 0.75 kg ha-l by 14 DAT in vegetative stage, and was 49 and 61% of control in heading stage. Results indicated that the time of herbicide application is crucial for the efficacy of glyphosate and butachlor. Butachlor is' not recommended for control of older plants of barnyardgrass, Nomenclature: Glyphosate, N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine; butachlor, 2-chloro-2' ,6' -diethy I-N -Ibu toxymethy 1) acetanilide. Additional index words: Herbicide rate, growth stage, weed control, plant survival rate.

