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篇名 三十種冬種作田雜草之相剋潛勢(Ⅰ)對高等植物之影響
卷期 14:1
作者 袁秋英蔣慕琰
頁次 009-020
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199306




Allelopathic activity of thirty upland weeds of Taiwan was determined using aqueous extracts of the weeds. Germination and seedling growth of lettuce (Lectuce sativa) ere completely inhibited by IO%(w/v) aqueous extracts of Ageratum boustonienun, Alopecurus eequslis var. amurensis, Amaranthus viridis. Ageratum conyzoides, Csrdsmine parvifJora, Brechtites vslcrianstolis, GnBphalium affine, Leptocblou chinesis, Rorippe csntoniensis, Soliv« enthemitolis or Stellaria squetice. Aqueous extracts of Amaranthus viridis, Ageratum conyzoides, Saliva enthemitolia or Stellsri« aquatics at l%(w/v) level resulted in more than 70% inhibition of radicle growth of lettuce. Radicle growth of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) were less affected by aqueous extracts at l%(w/v) level. Phytotoxicity severally increased with raising concentration of the extracts obtained from all 30 weeds tested. Osmotic pressure and pH in the range that of the extracts did not affect germination and radicle growth of lettuce. Litter of Amaranthus viridis, at 1.2%(w/w) level significantly inhibited germination and seedling growth of lettuce and rice (Oryza satuva) in pot test.

