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篇名 留置乾草之產量品質及其對下期牧草產量之影響
卷期 14:1
作者 范基南吳建福
頁次 039-048
關鍵字 TSCI
出刊日期 199306




In order to understanding the yield and quality of pangolagrass standinghay and the effect on the yield of the grasses in the next crop season, the experimental materials, pangolagrass A24 and A254,planted at sandy or clay soil, were taken from the grassland, at Heng-Chun Station, TLRI. The grasses were cut in October, November and December 1991. and Januany, Feberary, March. Arpil and May in 1992. after previouscutting on 16th, July, 1991. and the hay made in October was as check. The dry weight and hay quality were evaluated. The results showed that yield of hay increased gradually. but decreased after 5 months from Oct. 1991. The crude protein content decreased gradually, but crude fiber content increased gradually. The water content of hay. stored at barn, cut in October, decreared from 23 % to 15 % • but crude protein and crude fiber decreased insignificantly. The grasses after delay cutting were cut in July and November, 1992 and the yields of the grasses were not affected significantly .

