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篇名 植物生長素對狼尾草生長及品質之影響
卷期 14:2
作者 范基南朱 鈞
頁次 159-173
關鍵字 植物生長調節劑IBATBAGA3CCCPP333BAABAEthrel狼尾草生長品質TSCI
出刊日期 199312


以IBA、GA3、CCC、PP333、BA、ABA及AgNO3 10-3、10-4及10-5M及PP33、Ehrel 600、800、1000ppm於狼尾草7262、7301兩品系生長6週青割後2天,葉面噴施一次,經六週生長後青割,青割時調查株高、分蘗數、欉重及葉/莖比等狼尾草生長之情形及烘乾磨粉後之牧草化學成份,以探討植物生長素對狼尾草生長及品質之影響。試驗結果顯示,GA3確有促進株高之作用,而PP333有明顯抑制株高之現象,對促進分蘗而言,以TIBA及BA最有效。對增產而言TIBA 10-3M、BA 10-3M等效果較顯著。但所有處理對牧草品質影響僅限於蛋白質。


The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of plant growth substnces on the growth and quality of napiergrass.The napiergrass strain 7262and 7301 were planted at the experimental field of National Taiwan University in Taipei,from March to December, 1989. The plant materials of 6-week old were cut and leaf sprayed on the second day after cutting by IBA、GA3、CC、BA、ABA and AgNO3 by 10-3、10-4、10-5 M and PP333、Ethrel by 600、800、100ppm. The treated plants grew 6 weeks, then, were cut.The plant height、tiller number 、plant weight、leaf/stem ratio, and chemical composition etc. were estimated. The results showed that GA3 promoted the plant height , but PP333 inhibited to all plants. TIBA and BA could increase the tillers, and by 10-3M could significantly increase the grass yield.All the treatments did not significantly affect the grass quality except crude protein.
