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篇名 台灣地區高爾夫球場草皮特性與管理之研究
卷期 14:2
作者 林信輝陳意昌
頁次 103-124
關鍵字 草皮草種草皮管理高爾夫球場turf grassturf managementgolf courseTSCI
出刊日期 199312


本研究調查台灣地區高爾夫球場應用草皮之種類及其特性,並特別針對主要草種之栽植及維護管理對水土資源之影響加以探討。調查研究結果如下:1. 分別於台灣地區,依不同地區、不同營業年限,調查28處高爾夫球場,平均每十八洞球場之佔地面積為68.2公頃。2. 高爾夫球場果嶺草皮草種以百慕達草Tifgreen-328及Tifdwarf品系為主;球道及發球台以百慕達草Tifway-419和Tifgreen-328品系為主。而其他之草類如斗六草(馬尼拉芝)、新加坡草(小馬唐)及假儉草等,則主要栽植於營業較久之老球場內。3. 球場灌溉水之主要來源為地下水,其次為雨水及溪水。若台灣地區全部核准設立之球場均營運,則估算其用水量其用水量約佔台灣地區生活用水的0.9%,或謂可提供18.5萬人的用水量。新球場球道覆砂之厚度通常超過15公分,而老球場則覆砂厚度較底。球道土壤分析結果,交換性陽離子一般偏低,有效性磷偏高。


The characteristics of and management for the turf grasses planted on golf courses in Taiwan were studied. Results obtained are summarized as folows: 1.A total of 28 golf courses were investigated. The average area of 18-hole courses was 68.2ha. 2. Main grasses used for green are Bermuda Tifgreen-328& Tifdwarf strains, main grasses for fairway and tee are Bermuda Tifgreen-328 & Tifway-419 strains. Other grass species, such as Zoysia matrella,Digitaria rudicosa and centipede grass.were used only at old golf courses. 3.Water sources for irrigation are ground water, mainly, and rains and streams, secondly. It is estimated that all approved courses once in operation will consume 0.9% of total water for livelihood (or water use for 185,000 persons) 4.Topdressing on the fairway of golf course is generally over 15cm. The results of soil analysis indicate the exchangeable cation is low but available phosphorusis high.
