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篇名 高爾夫球場常用草種光合成作用對土壤水分逆境之反應
卷期 15:2
作者 陳意昌林信輝
頁次 115-136
關鍵字 高爾夫球場草類光合成率水分應力生理反應Golf turf grassesPhotosynthesisWater stressPhysiological responsesTSCI
出刊日期 199412


本試驗選取台灣地區高爾夫球場常用草皮草類,包括小馬唐(新加坡草)、百慕達草Tif-328及Tif-419品系、假儉草及馬尼拉芝(斗六斗)等,在控制土壤水分及相關環境條件下,測定各草種之生長及生理現象對土壤水分之反應性。試驗包括水分處理與斷水處理兩部分,結果摘述如下:1. 在土壤含水量較低時,兩種百慕達草品系淨光合成率受影響程度較小,在低含水量下較能維持正常之生長。2. 各草種間一日單位面積之蒸散率比較,以百慕達草Tif-419之蒸散率較高,其次為馬尼拉芝及百慕達草Tif-328,而小馬唐之蒸散率最低。3. 斷水過程中,各供試植物之葉片水分潛勢及葉綠素含量與淨光合成率分別呈指數正相關及直線正相關。不同草種間,百慕達草Tif-419和Tif-328在低土壤含水量光合成率較高,顯示其適應能力較強。4. 由斷水處理過程中,各供試植物光合成率之反應,得知供試草種在缺水情況下能維持正常生長之能力,依次為百慕達草Tif-419、Tif-328、馬尼拉芝、小馬唐、假儉草。但斷水後再供水,各供試草種之光合成與生長均可迅速恢復。


The photosynthesis and physlology responses of golf turf grasses in Taiwan to soil moisture were studied. Results obtained are summarized as follows:1.The photosynthesis of Manila and Centipede gras was more sensible to soil moisture content,while Bermuda grass can tolerate drought and grow at lower soil moisture. 2.Mean daily transpiration of Tif-419 was higher than that of any other tested grasses and that of Chinese Crabgrass was lower than any of others. 3.Under the periods of water shortage poistive corelation existed between leaf water potential(LWP),leaf chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate(Pn).The Pn of Tif-419 and Tif-328 remains higher while in lower soil moisture, indicating that they have stronger adaptability to drought. 4.According to the results of the Pn response of tested grasses in the period of water shortage, the ability to remain normal growth under water stress, from high to low, was Tif-419,Tif-328,Manila grass, Chinese carbgrass and Centipede grass.But the Pn and growth of tested grass could rapidly recover after rewatering.
