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篇名 殺草劑嘉磷塞與磷離子在土壤粘粒上的競爭吸附
卷期 15:2
作者 陳鴻基莊作權李國欽
頁次 101-114
關鍵字 嘉磷塞磷離子黏土礦物競爭吸附Glyphosatephosphateclay mineralscompetitive adsorptionTSCI
出刊日期 199412




For understanding the behavior of glyphosate in the soil environment, astudy on the competitive relationships between glyphosate and phosphate and the bonding on the clays was carried out.Twelve clays representing cultivated land in western Taiwan were collected and used in this study. The result indicated that the adsorption of phosphate apparently decreased due to competitive adsorption of glyphosate on the soil clays. The experiment of competitive adsorption between glyphosate and phoshate on the clays free of cemented materials were performed. The results showed that kaolinites and micas play an important role to adsorb the glyphosate. The similar result was found by using the standard clay minerals for the competitive adsorption studies. The increases of phosphate adsorption and decrease of glyphosate adsorption was found in the cemented materials free clays. The higher adsorption rate of glyphosate was found in the clays with higher level of iron oxides in cemented materials. These resuits indicated the importance of iron oxides and cemented materials on the adsorption of glyphosate.
