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篇名 植物生長素對狼尾草切離莖節上分蘗芽生長之影響
卷期 15:2
作者 范基南朱均
頁次 137-158
關鍵字 分蘗芽生長素BATIBAGA3CCCPP333ABAEthrelAgNO3tiller budsstem segmentsplant growth regulatorsIBATSCI
出刊日期 199412


將栽培於台大人工氣候室之狼尾草7262及7301兩品系,切下莖節,每節含一個芽。置入試管中,加入2ml不同pH之水,一星期後發現在pH 5.0下,芽長得最好、最快。再以相同材料置試管中,分別加入調好為pH 5.0之IBA、TIBA、GA3、CCC、BA、ABA、AgNO3 10-3~10-8M及PP333、100~1000ppm、Ethrel 100~600 ppm 2ml,置30/25℃(日/夜)之人工氣候室中生長7天,調查其芽長、葉數及根數、鮮重等。結果顯示IBA 10-3~10-5M具有促進長根之作用,卻抑制芽及葉之生長。TIBA則抑制根之生長,對芽、葉之生長無影響。GA3在10-3~10-5M下抑制芽及葉之生長,對根也有相當程度之影響。CCC則反之,對根影響大,對芽、葉生長影響小。PP333則抑制芽長葉長至為明顯,但對根則無影響,BA明顯抑制芽之生長,卻明顯促進芽及葉之生長。ABA抑制根生長,在10-3~10-5M亦抑制芽、葉之生長。Ethrel在100~600 ppm下均抑制芽生長,但對葉數、根之長具明顯促進作用。AgNO3則抑制根生長,對芽及葉則無影響。


The plant materials-7262 and 7301,napiergrass strains, were planted in pots at 30/24.C (day/ntght) at phytotrone of Taiwn University for 6 weeks, and then were cut. The stem segments, each contained one bud, were put into test tubes, and then given 2ml pH4~8 water. After 7 days, the tiller buds were investingated by tiller length, leaf number and root number. The results indicated that Ph 5.0 was the optimum for napiergrass tiller growth. The secand experiment: The stem segments wre put into test tubes and given 2ml plant growth regulators e.g. IBA, TIBA, GA3 , CCC, BA, ABA and AgNO3 at 10-3~10-8 M and PP333 at 100~1000 ppm and Ethrel at 10~600ppm. The tiller buds were investigated by tiller length, leaf number and root number at 7th day. The results showed that IBA 10-3~10-5 M improved root growth and inhibited bud and leaf growth. TIBA 10-3 M inhibited root growth but no affect on bud and leaf growth,GA a 10-3~10-5 M inhibited bud,leaf and root growth.CCC inhibited bud and leaf growth significantly, but no affect on root growth BA improveld bud and leaf growth significantly, but inhibited root growth. ABA 10-3~10-5 M inhibited bud,leaf and root growth. Ethrel inhibited bud growth and AgNO3 inhibited root growth of napiergrass tiller buds.
