
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Nasal Myiasis in a Bedridden Patient and Literature Review
卷期 32:1
作者 Wu, Cheng-jungChang, Ting-shouChu, Sau-tung
頁次 039-041
關鍵字 nasal myiasisinfectionMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201202



Myiasis is defi ned as the infestation of live humans and vertebrate animals by larvae of the order Diptera (2-winged). The most common type is cutaneous myiasis and nasal myiasis is very rare. Although it is not a common manifestation in the fi eld of myiasis, the possibility of its occurrence always exists. We report a case of nasal myiasis caused by Calliphoridae.A bedridden 80-year-old male patient with history of cerebral infarctionwas sent to emergency department due to dyspnea for two days. The patient was diagnosed as having chronic heart failure and was transferred to intensive care unit for further management. Three days later, maggots were found over the left nostril. Because so little is known about nasal myiasis, we present this rare case and review the related literature.
