
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Successful Endovascular Stenting in Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
卷期 32:1
作者 Lai, Chien-liangDai, Ming-shenLee, Chung-yiTsai, Yi-tingTsai, Chien-sungLin, Chih-yuan
頁次 031-034
關鍵字 endovascular stentingsuperior vena cava syndromeMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201202



With advances in interventional vascular surgery, percutaneous stenting has become an effective therapy for superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome, regardless whether the underlying disease is malignant or benign. We report a 64-year-old man,who was diagnosed with lung cancer over the right upper lobe. He was under chemotherapy and suffering from obvious
edema over the upper body. Computer tomography (CT) scan revealed prominent tumor compression of SVC. Endovascular stenting was performed as treatment for this patient. We obtained both procedural success with complete restoration of blood fl ow and immediate relief of symptoms within 48 hours.
