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篇名 利用粘粒修飾電極探討巴拉刈在粘土礦物膜層中的移動性
卷期 16:1
作者 陳鴻基李國欽莊作權
頁次 001-013
關鍵字 巴拉刈粘土礦物粘粒修飾電極Paraquatclay mineralsclay modified electrodeTSCI
出刊日期 199506


本文利用電分析化學技術中修飾電極來研究殺草劑巴拉刈在粘土礦物膜層中移動性,試驗結果顯示所有粘粒修飾電極所偵測到陰極還原峰電流(ipc)的大小順序是蛭石>多鐵蒙特石>依萊石>蒙特石>皂白石>高嶺石。粘土礦物層面電荷的大小會影響粘粒修飾極所偵測ipc的大小,巴拉刈在蛭石粘粒膜層中的移動性要大於在蒙特石膜層中的移動性。由所有標準粘土礦物之粘粒修飾電極所測得的ipc與斜率(ipc vs. ν1/2)間的直線相關關系,顯示巴拉刈陽離子到達電極表面的擴散速率大小乃控制粘粒修飾電極所能偵測ipc的大小,巴拉刈通過粘粒膜層到達電極表面的擴散以蛭石為最大,高嶺石為最小。由試驗結果也得知矽酸鹽礦物層想上永久性負電荷愈大,則所呈現的不可逆性也愈大,但多鐵蒙特石由於其八面體層中含有多量的Fe2+/3+、Fe2+與Fe3+的變化可以扮演電子傳遞的角色,因此多鐵蒙特石之可逆性是所有2:1型粘土礦物中最大者。邊緣可變性電荷在多鐵蒙特石整體對巴拉刈吸附上的影響較小些,但對依萊石和蛭石而言,可變性電荷對巴拉刈移動性上的影響,以依萊石高於蛭石。pH升高不但增加巴拉刈在依萊石膜層中的移動速率,同時也增加其不可逆性。


The mobility of paraquat in the films of clay minerals was studied with the techniques of electroanalytic chemistry. The results indicated that the order of peak current of cathod(ipc) determined by the clay modified electrodes was as folows : vermiculite> ferruginous smectite>illite > montmorillonite > bentonite > kaolinite. Amounts of cathodic peak current determined with clay modified electrode were affected by the layer charges of clay minerals. The mobility of paraquat in the films of vermiculite was more than that of montmorillonite. It was a linear relationship between slope(ipc vs. 1/2 ) and ipc of all standard clay minerals modified electrodes. This fact indicated that ipc determined with clay modified electrodes were controlled by the diffusible rate of paraquat ions to the surface of electrode. The rate of paraquat diffused
