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篇名 殺草劑對大黍族群之影響
卷期 16:1
作者 李貽華陳明義
頁次 034-054
關鍵字 坡地覆蓋植物殺草劑大黍巴拉刈嘉磷塞氟氯比甲基合氯氟Cover vegetationslopelandherbicidespamicum maxlmum Jacqparaquatglyphosatefluroxypyrhaloxyfop-methylTSCI
出刊日期 199506




Panicum maximumvis a widespread naturalized plant in Taiwn. It is very dominant at slopelands of Datu Mt.It is good for erosion control but quit flammable in drought season. For studying the effects of herbicides on the population of Panicum maximum, paraquat, glyphosate, fluroxypyr and haloxyfop-methyl were tested at plots set up at Aufon. Based on the investigations at 17 days and at 28 days after application, paraquat and glyphosate get 100% control;haloxyfop-methyl was effective but slowly fluroxypyr was not effective. Flora varied folliwing herbicide applications. Dominant species was Spermococe latifolia for glyphosate plots; panicum maximum and Spernacoce latifolia for paraquat plots, Panicum maximum for fluroxypyr plots; Spermacoce latifolia and Eupatorium formosanum for haloxyfop-methyl plots; pamlcum maximum and Eupatorium formosanum for check plots.
