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篇名 殺草劑及割蘗處理再生芽對再生稻生育及產量之影響
卷期 16:1
作者 陳素娥蔣慕琰劉大江朱德民
頁次 022-33
關鍵字 再生稻再生芽割蘗農藝性狀殺草劑Ratoon riceratoon seedlingtiller-cuttingagronornic characteristicherbicideTSCI
出刊日期 199506




Treatment of ratoon seelings has been proposed effective in prolonging the growth duration and enhancing both grain yield and quality of ratoon rice crop. The purposes of this study were to compare various methods of ratoon treatments on the growth and yield of ratoon rice crop. Talkeng 2 variety, with its high ratoon ability and tiller growth rate, was therefore selected as experimental material after havest of the second cropseason in 1989.Four herbicides and two cutting heights were tested for treatment effets after harest of the first crop in 1990.Experimental results indicated that, the application of glyphosate showed the least phytotoxicity and the highest ratoon rate, plant height, and dry matter production. However, heading uniformity was poor for this treatment. Long-term phytotoxicty was observed and grain yield was lower than the check plants for the other three herbicide treatments. On the other hand,heading uniformity was enhanced for paraquat and glufosinate-ammonium treatments. Cutting ratoon tillers at 5 or 15 cm above soil surface increased significantly the heading uniformity and produced similar grain yield as compared with the check plot. Employing ratoon treatments in this study failed to produce consistent result in increasing grain yield.Its major advantage is suggested to be promoting the uniformity of heading and maturity of ratoon tillers, and hence increasing grain quality of the ratoon rice crop.
