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篇名 水稻與稗草競爭關系之探討(一)水稻對稗草之壓制效應
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 Studies on Competitive Ability of Rice and Barnyardgrass I.Suppresing Effect of Rice on Barnyardgrass
作者 楊純明
頁次 055-062
關鍵字 水稻稗草競爭關係壓制效應生長生產力Barnyardgrasscompetitionsuppressing effectgrowthproductivityTSCI
出刊日期 199506




Field experiments were conducted in the experimental farm of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute to study the suppressing effect of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv.Tainung NO.67) on growth and productivity of barnyardgrass [Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beativ.] plants of Barnyardgrass were grown interlined to rice with the same plant distance and in the ratio of 1:1,and with pure stands as checks in the second crop of 1993 and the first crop of 1994. It was shown that generally growth of barnyardgrass was suppressed by rice when grown together in the paddy field. Rice exerted a strong suppressing effect from the early growth stage for the second crop while such effect became significant in the later growth stage for the first crop. Dry weights of leaves, sheaths (with stems) and panicles (with caryopses) were decreased by the competition of rice during growing period. At harvest, the suppression of panicle weight of barnyardgrass was significant only in the first crop. Productivity of sheaths was higher than of leaves in barnyardgrass without the competition of rice as indicated in the decreasing leaf sheath weight ratio. The proportion of sheaths to leaves increased greatly from 30 days after transplanting.When competed with rice in the second crop,barnyardgrass built up their leaves significantly in the early growth stage. Barnyardgrass was tended to produce more caryopses in competition with rice, especially in the second crop. Without rice competition, the reproduction capability was prevailing in the first crop.
