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篇名 作物殺草劑抗性之分子機制及遺傳工程應用之利弊
卷期 16:2
作者 盧虎生
頁次 096-109
關鍵字 殺草劑殺草劑抗性herbicideherbicide resistance.TSCI
出刊日期 199512


自2,4-D、Triazine等早期殺草劑到目前抑制脂肪或胺基酸生合成殺草劑使用以來,已有起過50年的歷史。田間在殺草劑的長期施用下,土壤微生物、雜草甚至作物物種間皆發生抗藥性,抗性的機制包括了gene amplification,作用基因突變,及代謝解毒等等。經由生理及分子生物的研究,多種殺草劑族的抗性機制,抗性關鍵分子,甚至抗性基因已被了解及分離;在近代生物技術遺傳工程配合及經濟誘因下,多種殺草劑抗性機制或抗性基因已轉移至作物物種內而育成抗性品種,這些殺草劑及其抗性作物對作物栽培甚至生態體系都會產生相當的影響。本章一方面回顧殺草劑在分子生物及分子遺傳的抗性機制及抗性作物的育成,一方面由多種角度討論生物技術在抗性作物研究上所引發的得失及問題。


Herbicides have been used for weed control in the field more than 50 years. Resistance to herbicides have also been evolved in soil microbes, weeds and even crops since then. Intensive plant physiology and molecular biology studies have been advancing our knowledge in the mode of herbicide actions and the mechanisms conferring resistance. Researches via molecular biology reveal that gene amplification. mutations in target molecules, and metabolic detoxification are the major factors leading to herbicide resistance. Using biotechnology herbicide resistance mechanisms or genes are succesfully transferred into major crops. More crops with herbicide resistance are expected to be registered and release in the near future, and several roblems including the interaction among herbicide industry, farmers, and ecology are accordingly need to be evaluated. The current review firstly concentates in the recent findings about the mode of herbicide actions, the moecular mechanisms of herbicide resistance and the production of herbicide reistant crops using gene transformation. Secondly,the present review would discuss the benefits and risks of introducing resistance crops into crop culture system.
