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篇名 數種草皮草種在控制環境下之光合氣體交換反應
卷期 16:2
作者 林信輝胡錦祥
頁次 075-087
關鍵字 草皮草種光合成率氣孔導度環境因子用水效率Turf grassesphotosynthetic ratestomatal conductanceenvironmental factorswater use efficiencyTSCI
出刊日期 199512


本試驗選取台灣地區常用之草皮草類,包括改良種百慕達草(Tifgreen-328)、馬尼拉芝、假儉草、小馬唐、百喜草(A44品系)等,在控制環境下測其葉片之淨光合成率、氣孔導度及用水效率等。在正常控制條件下,各供試草類在低光(100~150μmol m-2s-1)時,百喜草及小馬唐之相對淨光合成率較高,百慕達最低。低光下之用水效率以改良種之百慕達草最低,百喜草最高。高下之淨光合成率以百喜草及百慕達草較高,小馬唐最低;用水效率則百喜草、馬尼拉芝較高,而小馬唐及假儉草較低。高溫(40℃)時之相對光合成率以百喜草、馬尼拉芝較高,百慕達草及、小馬唐草較低。低溫(20℃)時之相對光合成率、氣孔導度則以百慕達草最高,假儉草較低。各供試草種對用水效率皆隨溫度之升高而降低,各種間之變化趨勢相同。斷水過程中馬尼拉芝在缺水情形下較假儉草能維持較正常的光合成作及較高之用水效率。因此,馬尼拉芝可能較適應於乾旱的環境。


Five turf grasses, Bermuda grass(Tifgreen-328)、Manila grass 、Centipede grass 、 Chinese crabgrass and Bahia grass (A44),were studied on their photosynthetic activities and water use efficiency. The relative photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of Bahia grass(A44) and Chinese crabgrass at low light intensity were higher than that of other tested grasses, while Bermuda grass(Tifgreen-328) was the lowest. Under high light intensity, the net photosynthesis and water use efficiency of Bahia grass was the highest, while Chinese crabgrass and Centipede grass were lower than other grasses. Under high temperature of 40.C, the relative net photosynthetic rate of Bahia and Manila was higher than that of other tested gresses, and Bermuda grass (Tifgreen-328) and Chinese crabgrass were the lowest. At 20.C, Burmuda grass was the highest and the Centipede grass was the lowest.The water use efficiency of all tested grasses decreased with the increasing temperature. In the water withholding process, Malina grass grew more normally and maintained higher water use efficiency,this suggested it might adapt drier environment.
