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篇名 稻作淺水環境下水中巴拉刈之消退及殘留活性
卷期 17:2
作者 蔣永正蔣慕琰
頁次 047-056
關鍵字 巴拉刈化學分析生物分析葉圓片滲漏殘留活性Paraquatchemical analysisbioassayleakage from leaf discsresidual activityTSCI
出刊日期 199612




CHIANG,Y.J.and M.Y CHIANG. 1996. Decline and Residual Activity of Paraquat in Shallow Water of Paddy Environment. Weed Science Bulletin. 17:47-57. Paraquat is a bipyridininum herbicide that redily soluble in water and strongly adsorbed by clay. It is widely used in Taiwan for non-seletive weed control. We investigated the decline and bio-activity of paraquat in shallow water, 4 cm deep. under clear and muddy conditions of simulated paddy environment. Under clear con-dition, soluble paraquat reduced slowly over a 24-hours period. The amount detected was a function of initial concentration and sampling time; at 24hours after treatment.3 and 50 ppm of initial concentration,respectively. Leaf discs exposed to water sample showed elevated level of electrolyte leakage that closely related with the soluble paraquat in the water. Under muddy condition, paraquat was non-detectbale in water regardless of treatment concentration and sampling time.
