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篇名 台灣本地草坪草之研究與利用
卷期 17:2
作者 翁仁憲許福星
頁次 079-088
關鍵字 草坪草本地種利用turf grassnative spectiesutilizationTSCI
出刊日期 199612




Much progress wa made in economic and the level of leading life was enhanced in Taiwan, the development and utilization of turf grass were urgentiy required. The native species of turf grass were replaced by introdued species due to being short of basic information for native species of turf grassand trying to obtain high quality spectis of turf grass. The native species of turf grass adapted to grow in local enviromment. They were rich in genetic diversity and more stress tolerant. Les water, pestcide and fertilizer were required for native species of turf grass. It might be helpful forenvironmental protection because of reducing pollution. To grow native species of turf grass was easier and les cost was required than did introduced species. Thus, it is necessary to collect and breed native species of turf grass and estabish the methods of propagation and management for utilization in the future.
