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篇名 四種除草劑對柑桔園覆蓋植被之影響
卷期 17:2
作者 李貽華陳明義李國欽
頁次 057-078
關鍵字 覆蓋植物殺草劑柑桔園巴拉刈嘉磷塞氟氯比甲基合氯氟坡地Cover vegelationherbicidescitrus orchardparaquatglyphosatefluroxypyrhaloxyfop-methylslopelandTSCI
出刊日期 199612




Slopeland in Taiwan are commonly used as orchards. Herbicides are economical and effective ways for the weed control at slopelands. Effects of herbicids on slopeland vegetation were studied. The weed mortality and the changes of weed cover following herbicide appli-cation were investigated. Two slopeland sites of citrus orchard at Chongliau were chosen as experimental sites. Herbicides tested include paraquat,glyphosate, fluroxypyr and haloxyfop methyl. Both araquat and glyphosate gained 100% control. Paraquat showed rapid effect but glyphosate showed persistent effect for 3-4 months. One year after application at Chongliau, Spermacoce latifolia became dominant at glyphosate plot. Following the second application, Polygonum perfoliatum appeared at glyphosate plot and Polygonum chinese became dominant at paraquat plot. Based on these studies, weed succession was significantly modified by herbicide application.
