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篇名 農藥化學結構與生物防治性關係之探討
卷期 17:2
作者 陳家鐘
頁次 089-100
關鍵字 除蟲菊精殺蟲劑立體異構物生物活性取代基酯類酸類醇類酮類醚類醯胺類SARpyrethroidinsecticidemoietyenantiomerbioefficacyfunctional groupconfigurationesteracidalcoholketoneetheramideTSCI
出刊日期 199612




The structure-activity relationship(SAR) between pesticides and their biological efficacies has been an important subject in the past decades. Many works were done on the study of water-octanol partition, acidity and functional group variation of pesticides. Special attention on the SAR review of the synthetic pyrethroids is brought up in this paper to emphasize its importance as an insecticide. The basic structure of pyethroid as an ester is consisted of a carboxylic acid moiety and an alcohol moiety which can be considered sepately.The acid moiety usually includes a cyclopropyl unit connecting to an olefinic group. Variations of functional groups on this moiety results in largely different bioefficacy of the pyrethroids. The alcohol moiety usually involves a phenoxybenzyl alcohol Change in functional group on this moiety also alter the biological activity, but not as drastically as the acid moiety. Enantiomeric nature on these two moieties is very important. Only the isomer of the right configuration shows.high biological activity. Other structural isomers usually have very low bioefficacy. The center link between these two moieties is also critical. Alternation from ester functional group into others may result in lower activity. It is believed that linkage such as ketone, ether and amide causes decreased activity due to the change of the spatial arrangement of the pyrethroid molecule. The SAR study provides some assistances for chemists and bioloists to understand the biological erformance of chemical substances. It will help researchers reduce the effort and time in the disovery of new pesticide compounds. However, the SAR still cna not completely explain and predict the complicated biological nature among the plants, insects, fungi and chemical compounds the traditional green house screenings and the field tests are still needed to confirm tete biological activity of a chemical compound.
