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篇名 土中薺菜種子發芽能力的週年變遷
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 Seasonal Change in the Germinability of Buried Seeds of Capsella bursa-Pastoris
作者 郭華仁蔡新舉
頁次 019-028
關鍵字 種子生態休眠循環溫度薺菜Seed ecologyDormancy cycleTemperatureCapsella bursa-pastorisTSCI
出刊日期 199710




The annual change in the germinability of the seeds of shephers's-purse, Capsella bursa-pastoris(L.) Medik, was surveyed by burying the seeds 10 cm under the upland soil surface and exhuming mothly, for two years. The exhumed seeds were then germinated under four different temperature regimes and sown in the outdoor soil. It was found that, except at the beginning of the bural,the seeds showed a conditional dormancy/non-dormancy cycle.Most of the exhumed seeds germinated at 15/20, 20/15,and 23/13.C, irrespective of the exhumed month. While at 25/20.C,the germinability of the exhumed seeds thnded to be seasonal fluctuated. When the seeds were planted in the field at the month of exhuming, seedling emergence occurred only between late autumn and early spring. The buried seeds were thus at non-dormant state around winter and at conditional dormant state during the other seasons. The results suggested that Capsella appear as a winter weed just because the soil temperature falls into a regime suitable to the conditional or non-dormant seeds after late autumn. At the end of the second year, there were 60-75% seeds germinated at the burial, indicating the loss of light requirement.
