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篇名 類地毯草在營養液培養下對硝酸態氮及銨態氮之反應
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The Response of Carpetgrass to Nitrate and Ammonium Nitrogen Grown in Nutrient Medium
作者 鄭雅熒張新軒蔡養正
頁次 007-014
關鍵字 硝酸態氮硝酸還原酶銨態氮類地毯草Ammonium-NCarpetgrassNitrate-NNitrate reductaseTSCI
出刊日期 199806


類地毯草(Carpetgrass, Axonopus offinis Chase)為多年生匍匐性的禾草,具有較強的耐濕、耐酸性土壤、耐踐踏及低割等特性,為臺灣極具發展潛力的一種草坪草,唯在草坪建立時,肥料施用可能影響其生育。本試驗探討在水耕營養液中添加不同濃度之硝酸態氮及銨態氮對類地毯草植株鮮重、葉綠素及可溶性蛋白質含量、硝酸還原酶(nitrate reductase)活性等之影響。試驗結果顯示類地毯草對氮肥的反應不敏感,硝酸態氮或銨態氮的濃度從1.5mM提高至15.0mM對鮮重生長、葉片葉綠素及可溶性蛋白質含量都沒有明顯的促進作用,對兩種不同氮素型態的反應亦無顯著差異存在,但成熟葉之硝酸還原酶活性則隨氮素濃度的提高而增加。


Carpetgrass, Axonopus offinis Chase,a sod-forming warm-season perennial grass adapted to acid soils with high water table, is a pretty good turfgrass for lawns and parks, especially in wet areas. The objective of this study was conducted to investigate the effect of NO3-N and NH4+ N on the plant growth, chlorophyll and soluble proterin content, and nitrate reductase activity of this grass Results showed that the response of carpetgrass to nitrogen was relatively insensitive. The plant growth, leaf chlrophyll and soluble protein content were not significantly affected with increasing the nitrogen concentration from 1.5mMto 15.0 mM.However, nitrate reductase activity of the mature leaves was increased with increasing the nitrogen concentration. There were no significant differences in plant growth, Chlorophyll and soluble protein content, and nitrate reductase activity between NO3-N and NH4+-N treatments.
