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篇名 溫度對蠅子草生長期間的影響:種原間的差異
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 Temperature Effects on the Growth Duration of Silene fortunei:Differences among Germplasms
作者 郭華仁應紹舜蘇秀媛陳勝皇
頁次 087-095
關鍵字 蠅子草物候學溫度始花期種子成熟silene fortuneiPhenologyTemperatureGrowth durationFlowering dateSeed ripeningTSCI
出刊日期 199812




Differences in growth duration among 8 accessions of silene fortunei as afected by temperature were compared in glass houses. Those of S. fortunei Vis. ,which wer collected from mountains of the main island of Taiwan, come to first flowering faster, 88 days in average under 27.5.C At the same temperature, those of S. fortunei var. kiruninsularis ( Masamune) Ying, which were collected from northern seacoast require 126 days. Both varieties reached first flowering quicker under 32.5.C,but set no seeds at all. S. fortunei adapted at lower temperature regime, under 17.5.C they reached first flowering 145 days after transplanting, while S. fortunei car. kiruninsularis did not reach flowering stage even after 300 days. Within each variety, days to first flowering were significantly different among 4 accessions. Days from flowering to seed ripening were significantly different among 4 accessions of S. fortunei, but not of S. fortunei var. kiruninsularis.
