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篇名 結縷草品系擴張速率之研究
卷期 19:2
並列篇名 Study on the Extension Rate of Zoysia Lines
作者 翁仁憲林正斌許福星
頁次 063-072
關鍵字 結縷草寬葉狹葉擴張速率覆蓋率Zoysia sppwide-leafNarrow-leafExtension rateCoverage percentageTSCI
出刊日期 199812


結樓草(Zoysia spp.)為多年生C4型禾本科植物,自然分布於台灣及澎湖地區多種不同自然環境之海岸地帶,其具有耐鹽、耐旱、耐濕、耐瘠、耐踐踏及抗病等特性,可減少水分之消耗、農藥及肥料之使用,不但可節省管理費用,且有利於環保,是優良的草坪草種。因此,為選育適合本省生育之草坪草,本試驗以本省原生之結縷草草種與日本結縷草(Z. japonica)、馬尼拉芝(Z. matrella)及中華結縷草(Z. chinese)進行雜交,並自後裔中選出不同品系,進行比較試驗,並以現有栽培結縷草品種斗六草(TL)、高麗草(KP)、台北草(TP)、為對照。實驗依寬葉(≧3 mm)及狹葉(>3mm)進行比較。試驗結果顯示,在寬葉品系中,擴張速率以SN1-5最快,達149.6cm year-1,達高於台北草之36.2cm year-1及斗六草之109.7cm year-1,覆蓋率亦以SN1-5最高,種植1年後,覆蓋率達100%,而對照草種斗六草有83.8%,台北草只有7.3%,在狹葉品系之擴張速率則以S17A34及S17A75最高,均達120.2cm year-1,高於台北草之46.7cm year-1,覆蓋率亦以S17A75最高達78.8%,高於台北草之26.3%。綜合上述顯示,經由雜交後裔選出之結縷草寬葉及狹葉品系之擴張速率及覆蓋率均高於目前草坪用草之斗六草、高麗草及台北草,因此值得繼續進行評估。


Zoysia spp.is a perennial C4 grass. It is distributed in littoral regions of Taiwan and Penhu areas. It is tolerant to salinity,drought, wetness, infertility and trampling,and resistant to disease. It is helpful to reduce water consumption,pesticide and fertilizer application.It showed great genetic variation and could be used as genetic resource for breeding turf grass. Three Zoysia species, i.e,Z japonica, Z matrella and Z . chinese were collected from different locations around Taiwan.Crossing breeding was conducted among the collected lines. Several lines were selected from the progenies for further evaluation. Three cultivars, i.e. Tou-Liu grass(TL), Taipei grass(TP) and Korea grass(KR) were used as control in the experiment. The lines were divided into two groups, wide-leaf type with leaf width ≧3 mm and narow-leaf type with leaf width <3 mm. the lines of these two groups were evaluated for extension rate, respectively. For wide-leaf type, line SN1-5 grew fastest among lines, with extension rate 149.6 cm year Both TP and TL had lower extension rates with 36.2 adn 109.7 cm year, respectively. Line SN1-5 was the highest coverage percentage with 100% as compared to TL with 83.8% and TP with 7.3% one year after planting, respectively. For narrow-leaf type, both lines S17A74 and S17A75 had the highest extension rate with 120.2 cm year as compared to TP with 46.7 cm year The coverage percentage of S17A75 was 78.8% higher than that of TP with 26.3% one year after planting. The results ahowed that the progenies of Zoysia hybridization had higher extension rates and coverage percentages than those of TL KR and TP It is deserved for a further evaluation of the selected lines in turf utilization.
