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篇名 探討臺灣市售中草藥健康食品亂象
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Explore the Chaotic Factors of Taiwan TCM Herbs Healthy Products Marketing
作者 蘇靖媛
頁次 009-021
關鍵字 健康食品中草藥食品藥物管理高科技Healthy foodTCM herbsHealth promotionFood and drug administrationTSCI
出刊日期 200912


中草藥健康食品在潮流科技帶動之下,一時之間搖身一變儼然成了當紅炸子雞,產品充斥在電視頻道購物節目以及各種網路銷售管道,或各藥粧店高價販售。但是高價的健康產品不一定帶給人們健康,尤其具有中草藥藥性的中草藥相關健康食品對身體產生傷害的報導也時有所聞。因此,本研究針對電視販售頻道、網路購物進行資料收集分析發現具有下列數種現象,(一)演藝人員、知名或不知名專家以及觀眾對談的方式進行誇大療效的廣宣。(二)廣告節目播出時間密集,內容相同反覆播放。(三)強調原料來源稀少而昂貴。(四)強調高科技製程介入或國內外GMP 藥廠承製。(五)強調幾代家傳秘方或是國內外不知名草藥混雜其中。(六)價格高出正規合法藥物數倍不等。(七)產品成分標示紛亂。(八)功效用詞模糊誇大不實等。


Because of the tradition TCM health promote concepts that TCM herbs not only can cure diseases, but also can promote healthy and prevent diseases. Therefore, TCM herbs healthy products are quite popular and welcome in Taiwan, no matter where they are from, or how expensive they are. People strongly believe the effectiveness of those TCM herbs products and like to spend lots of money to buy variety TCM herbs
healthy products and consumed them in mixed, with regular treatment drugs. Lots of side effects cases had been reported after consumed those healthy products. In this article, there have 8 findings to explain the chaotic of Taiwan TCM herbs healthy products marketing.
