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篇名 植物對Bromoxynil除草劑之抗性機制
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Resistance mechanism of plants to bromoxynil
作者 邵遵文王慶裕
頁次 055-060
關鍵字 Bromoxynil除草劑抗性機制herbicidesresistance mechanismTSCI
出刊日期 199911




Bromoxynil is a pre- or post-emergence herbicide used for broad- leaf weed control. The mode of action of this herbicide is to occupy the QB site of D1 rotein for photosystem II, thus the plastoquinone fails to react with QB site and causes blocking of electron transport in photosystem . Bromoxynil frequently caused phytotoxicity on leaf or shoot surface of susceptible plants while it was sprayed directly on shoot. For the past decade, bromoxynil-resistant gene has been transferred to some dicots successfully. In general, the mechanism of resistance to bromoxynil in plants includes a decrease of herbicide absorption, retardation of bromoxynil translocation, formation of insoluble materials, or promotion of bromoxynil metabolism by nitrilase encoded by bxn gene. The inheritance of resistant gene is controlled by 1 to 2 genetic loci.
