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篇名 龍葵(Solanum nigrum L.)種子發芽能力之週年變遷
卷期 22:2
並列篇名 Seasonal Changes in the Germinability of Buried Seeds of Nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.)
作者 侯金日顏照軒
頁次 101-114
關鍵字 制約休眠溫度龍葵發芽種子conditional dormancytemperaturenightshadeSolanum nigrum L.germinationseedTSCI
出刊日期 200112




The purpose of this report was to study the annual changes in the germinability of the buried seeds of nightshade grown in the dry farmland of Taiwan. The seeds were collected in Chiayi and buried in the upland soil of 10 cm in depth and exhumed monthly, for up to two years. The exhumed seeds were then tested for germination under four different temperature regimes or field soil of 0.3 cm in depth. The germination of buried seeds incubated at 30/25, 25/20, 20/15, and 23/13℃ in light was high except short treatment of seed buried being 33-66% of seed germination. The seed buried in dark condition more than three months that appeared high germination, therefore the seed of nightshade exhibited an annual non-dormancy. However, these buried seeds incubated at 30/25, 25/20 and 23/13℃ in summer were low germination(38-60%). This result is conjectured that the seed of nightshade exhibited a conditional dormancy. The emergent rates of exhumed seed were not different among seed sowed monthly. Two years measurement of nightshade seed emergence showed that the buried seeds mostly germinated at the beginning of three months after the burial treatment. These results of monthly plowing experiment indicated nightshade seed could germinate all year round.
