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篇名 紅毛草(Rhynchelytrum repens)種子休眠解除之探討
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Studies on the Dormancy Breaking of Rhynchelytrum repens Seeds
作者 侯金日吳崇僑
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 紅毛草種子發芽休眠解除冷層積處理冷凍處理淋洗處理GA3 處理濃硫酸處理化學藥劑Rhynchelytrum repensseed germinationdormancy breakingstratification treatmentsfreezing treatmentsleaching treatmentsgibberellic acid sulfuric acid treatmentschemical medicamentTSCI
出刊日期 200206


本研究主要目的在探討不同之休眠解除方式對紅毛草種子發芽之影響,初期採收之紅毛草種子具有很強之休眠性,故進行各種不同處理(冷層積處理、冷凍法處理、淋洗法處理、GA3 處理和濃硫酸處理)對紅毛草種子休眠解除之影響,試驗結果如下:冷層積處理而言,處理時間越久(8 週),發芽率愈高、處理期間溫度愈低(5℃)發芽率愈高,而且以5℃冷層積處理8 週發芽率達78%;發芽速率亦以5℃冷層積處理8 週最高。冷凍法處理可有效解除紅毛草種子休眠,經過冷凍處理後的種子發芽率明顯較未經冷凍處理的種子為高,冷凍處理以冷凍3 天在20/15℃下所進行之發芽試驗效果最佳;發芽速率亦有相同之現象。淋洗法處理亦顯著提高紅毛草種子之發芽率及發芽速率,經過2 天淋洗處理的種子,其發芽率及發芽速率顯著較淋洗1 天及未淋洗者為高。濃硫酸處理和 GA3 處理有部分提高紅毛草種子之發芽率與發芽速率。濃硫酸處理以100%的濃度效果最佳,但發芽率只有41%;而GA3 處理以0.3%最佳,但發芽率亦只有34%。發芽速率在兩種藥劑處理中,亦以100%的濃硫酸濃度及0.3%之GA3 處理最佳。


The purpose of this research was to study the effects of dormancy breakingon the germination of Rhynchelytrum repens seeds. The freshly harverted seedof Rhynchelytrum repens seeds showed a strong dormancy. Different dormancybreaking treatments, including stratification, freezing, leaching, gibberellic acid(GA3) and scarification, were thus conducted. The results were summarized asfollows:The treatment of stratification at 5 ℃ for 8 weeks showed highestgermination (78%) and germination rate index(GRI). Highter temperature and /orshooter duration of the treatment showed less effect.The freezing treatments were effective in breaking the seed dormancy ofRhynchelytrum repens. The germination percentage of those seeds under freezingtreatments were significantly increased than those without treatments. The seedsunder 3-day freezing treatments showed highest germination rate in the 20/150Cgrowth chamber. So was the GRI under the same condition.The leaching treatments also significantly increased the germinationpercentage and the GRI of the Rhynchelytrum repens seeds. The germinationpercentage and the GRI for those seeds under 2-day leaching were higher thanthose under the treatment of 1-day leaching.The sulfuric acid and gibberellic acid (GA3) treatments showed partiallyeffectiveness in increasing the germination percentage and the GRI of theRhynchelytrum repens seeds.The optimum concentration was 100% for sulfuricacid and 0.5% for GA3 which raised percentage germination of this grass seeds to41% and 34%, respectively.
