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篇名 除草劑抗性的發展:抗性雜草和抗性作物
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Development of Herbicide Resistance: Herbicide Resistant Weeds and Herbicide Resistant Crops
作者 劉明宗
頁次 053-064
關鍵字 除草劑抗性抗性機制抗性作物herbicide resistancemechanism of resistanceresistant cropsTSCI
出刊日期 200206


HRAC (Herbicide Resistance Action Committee) 2002 年國際抗性雜草調查結果顯示有156 種雜草的258 抗性生物型(biotypes)發生在53 個國家。其中以抗ALS inhibitors 的72 種生物型和抗triazines 的63 種生物型最多,其次是抗bipyridiliums,ACCase inhibitors,synthetic auxins,和ureas 的生物型,分別從28 種到20 種。抗性雜草的快速增加與除草劑長期和普遍的使用以及抗性雜草問題的受到重視有關。大部份除草劑的作用機制都已經清楚,作物的耐性和雜草的抗性是以代謝解毒(Metabolism)和作用目標的改變(Alteredtarget site)為主要機制。除草劑公司和種子公司已藉由傳統育種或分子生物技術成功的轉移除草劑抗性到包括玉米、大豆、油菜(canola)和棉花等主要作物品種上,抗性作物栽培的面積正迅速的增加。本文一方面介紹除草劑抗性雜草的現況,一方面介紹從對除草劑抗性的瞭解而發展的抗性作物現況以及衍生的問題。


The data from 2002 International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds,conducted by Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC),showed that 156weed species with 258 herbicide-resistant biotypes were confirmed in 53 countries.ALS-inhibitors-resistant biotypes and triazine-resistant biotypes are the mostprevailing resistant weeds. Herbicide resistance was mainly conferred by alteredtarget site and/or enhanced rate of herbicide metabolism. Herbicide resistanceare successfully transferred into major crops,including corn,soybean,cotton,and canola,by using traditional breeding techniques or biotechnology. Thispaper firstly reviews the chronology of resistance,the mechanisms of resistance,and the development of herbicide-resistant crops. Secondly,this paper woulddiscuss concerns of introducing herbicide-resistant crops into agroecosystem,andwhere they should fit in.
