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篇名 不同舖覆材料對百慕達草“TifDwarf”果嶺草坪生長與品質之影響
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Effects of Different Topdress Materials on Growth and Qualities of “TifDwarf” Green
作者 謝清祥
頁次 023-030
關鍵字 果嶺舖覆材料生長品質greentopdress materialsgrowthqualityTSCI
出刊日期 200206


本試驗利用五種不同舖覆材料(細砂、砂土、細椰纖、木屑、泥碳)於TifDwarf 果嶺進行二次舖覆操作,並調查其草坪生長特性與品質之影響。結果顯示:細椰纖處理可促進草坪地上部生長及增加密度。有機舖覆材料可提升草坪色澤,砂土則對草坪平整,增進平滑度有利。長期而言,各舖覆處理大都可增加草坪密度與地上部生長,草坪管理者可慎選資材定期進行此操作以維持及提升草坪品質。


In this experiment we applied five different topdressing materials (sand,sandy soil, coir, sawdust and peat) twice on TifDwarf green to test their effects ongrowth and qualities of the turf. The results showed that coir can significantlypromoted shoot growth and increase turf density. All topdress treatments showedlong-term effect of increased shoot growth and density. Organic topdress materialsenhanced turf color and sandy soil improved smoothness. Turf managers canselect appropriate materials for periodic topdress procedure to maintain andpromote turf qualities.
