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篇名 水田土中鴨舌草種子數目的季節性變化
卷期 24:1
並列篇名 Seasonal Changes in the Seed Number of Monochoria vaginalis in the Paddy Soil
作者 郭華仁陳博惠
頁次 001-008
關鍵字 鴨舌草種子土中種子庫休眠Monochoria vaginalis var. plantagineadormancyseedsoil seed bankTSCI
出刊日期 200306




Seasonal changes in the seed bank of Monochoria vaginalis (Burm.f.) Presl var. plantaginea Solms were estimated from the paddy soil collected in National Taiwan University Experimental Farm. The experimental field was divided into four plots with an area of 530 m2 for each plot. On each sampling date, 50 sets of soil per plot in Taipei were sampled randomly using soil sample cylinders, which were 5.5 cm in diameter and 17 cm in depth. Sampling time was in September (booting stage of the 2nd crop) and November (grain maturation stage of the 2nd crop) of 1995, and in March (after soil preparation for the planting of the 1st rice crop) and May (booting stage of the 1st crop) of 1996. Seeds were extracted from the soil sample and were germinated under favorite environment, i.e. 30/25℃ room temperature and anaerobic condition. Seeds thus germinated were counted as non-dormant. Seeds not germinated were cold stratified for one month and tested again. Seeds thus germinated were counted as dormant. It showed that Monochoria vaginalis var. plantaginea constituted a persistent seed bank in paddy soil. The highest seed number was found in November (12,922 seeds m-2), less but not significant in March and May, and the lowest in September (5,014 seeds m-2). In November there were 20 % of seeds classified as dormant. It was 0.4% in September, yet no dormant seeds were found in March and May.
