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篇名 台灣蔗田地區地下水中草脫淨及草殺淨之含量分析
卷期 24:1
並列篇名 Monitoring of Groundwater for Atrazine and Ametryn in Taiwan
作者 李貽華徐慈鴻翁愫慎李國欽
頁次 37-47
關鍵字 草脫淨草殺淨固相萃取法地下水蔗田atrazineametrynsolid-phase extractiongroundwatersugarcane fieldTSCI
出刊日期 200306


草脫淨之淋洗潛能(leaching potential)被認定為\"高\",草脫淨在美國地下水中普遍發現,已被列入限制使用,台灣地區地下水中有關草脫淨之殘留情形尚無資料可循,該藥劑在台灣地區主要使用於蔗田,台灣地區多數蔗田都屬台糖公司所有;於1993-1994年進行台灣蔗田地區之地下水中草脫淨及草殺淨之含量調查,以建立台灣地區蔗田用殺草劑草脫淨、草殺淨在地下水中之殘留資料。分別以溶劑萃取法及固相萃取法進行水中草脫淨及草殺淨之含量分析,結果以固相萃取法之偵測敏感度較佳,且操作上可提高分析效率。本研究利用固相萃取法進行草脫淨、草殺淨在地下水中之殘留分析,以高效液態層析儀檢測;草脫淨之回收率為84.8~86.3%,草殺淨為83.8~87.1%;草殺淨之偵測界限為0.05ppb,草脫淨為0.04ppb。本研究共採152件水樣,分別採自分佈於全省之126個農場之蔗田附近地下水井,有3件測得草殺淨,含藥樣品數佔全部樣品之2.0%;其中1件同時測得草脫淨,含藥樣品數佔全部樣品之0.7%;草殺淨之含量為1.42~2.42ppb,草脫淨之含量為2.35ppb,含量皆未超過HA值(Health Advisory)(草脫淨:3.0ppb;草殺淨:60ppb),測得殘留之樣品有2件採自南沙崙農場之蔗田,1件採自北沙崙農場之蔗田。由本調查結果顯示,台灣地區草脫淨及草殺淨之使用不致對地下水造成污染,與美國1988年地下水中草脫淨調查結果比較,美國之含藥比例為13.8%,台灣地區為0.7%。


In Taiwan, the residue of atrazine in groundwater has not been studied. Atrazine and ametryn are widely used for weed control in sugarcane and pineapple in Taiwan. This study was conducted to investigate the ground water contamination in Taiwan. Solid-phase extraction followed by high-pressure liquid chromatographic techniques was used for the monitoring of atrazine and ametryn in groundwater. Recoveries of atrazine and ametryn were in the 84.8-86.3 and 83.8-87.1 % range, respectively. The detection limits of atrazine and ametryn were 0.04 and 0.05ppb, respectively. It was applied to groundwater samples collected from 152 wells. Sampling of groundwater was carried out in 1993-1994 at sugarcane field where atrazine and ametryn had been used more frequently. Atrazine was detected just in one sample and the content was 2.35 ppb. Ametryn were detected in 3 samples and the contents were between 1.42-2.42ppb. The results show very low atrazine and ametryn concentrations in the ground water from Taiwan.
