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篇名 草坪中六種一年生禾草發芽特性及其防治
卷期 24:1
並列篇名 Seed Germination and Chemical Control of Six Annual Grass Weeds
作者 徐玲明蔣慕琰
頁次 009-023
關鍵字 芒稷牛筋草馬唐鯽魚草早熟禾龍爪茅發芽率除草劑雜草防治ECHCODIGADELEINERAAMPOAANDACAEgerminationherbicideweed controlTSCI
出刊日期 200306


本試驗探討草坪中六種一年生禾本科雜草種子發芽對環境因子,包括溫度、水分、光照、酸鹼值等之需求及不同埋土深度對種子萌芽之影響。並分別選擇萌前與萌後除草劑於雜草萌芽初期及萌後生育期測試,比較雜草不同生長期之防治效果,以謀求最佳的防治管理方法。芒稷Echinochloa colona(L.)Link.,牛筋草Eleusine indica(L.)Gaertn.,馬唐Digitaria adscendens (H.K.B.) Henr.,鯽魚草Eragrostis amabilis(L.)Wight et Arn.,早熟禾Poa annua L.,龍爪茅 Dactyloctemiun aegyptium(L.)Beauv.等六種一年生禾本科草的發芽時間隨著溫度的增加而縮短,芒稷、馬唐牛筋草在24~32℃達最高發芽率的時間為4-6天、16℃則需12-16天;鯽魚草在32℃達最高發芽率的時間為4天、28℃則需16天;早熟禾在20~28℃達最高發芽率的時間為4天、8℃則需12天;龍爪茅在28℃達最高發芽率的時間為8天、16℃則需12天。馬唐、牛筋草和龍爪茅在有無光照條件下對發芽無明顯的差異,芒稷、鯽魚草和早熟禾則是光照處理者發芽率高於無光照處理者。鯽魚草和早熟禾種子在覆土之後幾乎不萌芽,馬唐、牛筋草和龍爪茅則不受覆土深淺的影響。六種禾草種子隨著水分的減少發芽率亦減低,在微酸或中性的環境中發芽變化不大。萌前除草劑草芬定、汰硫草、滅草胺、滅必淨、滅落脫、樂滅草和施得圃能有效的防治六種一年生禾草,萌後除草劑使用在草坪上需先考慮對草坪本草的安全性,結果顯示滅必淨對芒稷、馬唐、牛筋草、鯽魚草和早熟禾的防治效果達80~100%;伏速隆對早熟禾有100%;快克草對馬唐有98%的防治效果。


In this study, we investigated the effects of temperature, pH, osmotic potential and planting depth on seed germination of Echinochloa colona (L.) Link., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., Digitaria adscendens (H.K.B) Henr., Eragrostis amabilis (L.) Wight et Arn., Poa annua L. and Dactyloctemiun aegyptium (L.) Beauv. Seeds of these six grass weeds were collected in fields and stored in 5℃ before tests under controlled environments. Temperature range for seed germination were 20~36, 8~32 and 12~36℃ for E. amabilis (L.) Wight et arn., p. annua L. and D. aegyptium (L.) Beauv., respectively. Seeds of E. colona (L.) Link., D. adscendens (H.K.B.) Henr. And E. indica (L.)Gaertn. Germinated from16 to 36℃. Maximum germination of E. colona, D. adscendens, and E. indica were obtained in 4-6 days under 24-32 ℃, and 12-16 days under 16℃. Similar trend of faster germination under higher temperature existed for the other three tested species. Seed germination decreased with lower water potentials in the range of -0.2 to -1.0 Mpa. All six species germinated well under pH 5-7. Seedlings of D. adscendens, E. indica, D. aegyptium and E. colona emerged well from 0-2.5 cm burial depth. No emerged seedling was observed for E. amabilis and P. annual buried beyond 0.5 cm. Pre-emergence treatment of dithiopyr, metazachlor, metribuzin, napropamide, oxadiazon and pendimethalin provided excellent control of all six weeds. Post-emergence application of flazasulfuron resulted in complete control of P. annua. Satisfactory control of D. adscendens, E. indica, E. amabilis, and P. annua occurred with application of metribuzin. Post-emergence applied quinclorac was good for control of D. adscendens.
