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篇名 台灣蔬菜田除草劑之應用與發展
卷期 24:2
並列篇名 Application and Development of Vegetable Field Herbicides in Taiwan
作者 蕭政弘邱建中鍾維榮
頁次 99-113
關鍵字 蔬菜園除草劑植前萌前萌後vegetable fieldherbicidepreplantpreemergencepostemergenceTSCI
出刊日期 200312




Vegetable crops are one of the important agricultural industry in Taiwan. The annual production areas in over 170,000 hectares and production value reached NT$3680,000,000. The commercial cultivation is about 41 varieties. In the past, manual weeding used in vegetable field. Since 1968, Linuron have officially registered and recommended in asparagus field, the application of herbicide is gradually become widely used. There are total 28 herbicides have been registered. Among the registered herbicides, TOK, Acephonene, Napropamide, Propachlor, Fluchloralin, DCPA, TCA, Noreaomd Nitralin have been prohibited. At present, there is 19 herbicides is registered in 13 kinds of vegetable crops. There are 10 and 5 herbicides registered for cabbage and watermelon, respectively. But 70% of economic vegetable crops didn’t have recommended herbicides. Among registered herbicides, Pendimethalin and Fluazifopbutyl have recommended on 6 and 5 vegetable crops, respectively. The common herbicides found in the market are Pendimllhalin, Alachlor, Butachlor, Linuron, Trifluralin, Fluazifopbutyl and Oxyfluoren. From the result of herbicides registration trials found that totally they controlled 11 families of 19 species broadleaf weeds and 2 families of 9 species grass weeds. Most of the registered herbicides belongs pre-emergence herbicides, The post-emergemce herbicides didn’t have high selectivity to broadleaf weed in vegetable field.
