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篇名 生物檢測展著劑對葉菜類蔬菜之毒性
卷期 25:1
並列篇名 Bioassay to Assess Potential Phytotoxic Effects of Surfactants on Leafy Vegetables
作者 蔣永正
頁次 23-35
關鍵字 展著劑細胞滲漏電導值藥害生長抑制surfactantcell leakageconductivityphytotoxicitygrowth inhibitionTSCI
出刊日期 200406




Surfactants are the most widely used and probably the most important of all adjuvants. These compounds often applied with herbicides, fungicides or insecticides as emulsifying, dispersing and spreading agents may cause distinct stress symptoms and considerable leaf damage. A popular method is to monitor the total ion efflux by simple measurements of the increase in conductivity of a bathing solution. This research was conducted to evaluate phytotoxic potential of surfactants on leafy vegetables and used ion leakage from leaf discs as an indicator of cell membrane integrity. Bioassay used involved leaf discs of tested crops soaked in surfactant solutions and measuring the conductivity after different hours. It had exhibited varying degrees of phytotoxicity according to the surfactants and crops used. The expression of results as a percentage of the total ion content of the discs provided a realistic comparison between different compounds. High inherent phytotoxicity was noted after treatment of spinach leaf discs with Trition, which resulted in large increases in the release of intracellular material at comparatively low concentration for each surfactant. The amount of leakage from leaf discs tended to increase as the surfactant concentration increased. Spray treatment of lettuce, convolvulus, edible amaranth, cabbage, edible rape and spinach at 5-6 leaf stage with tested surfactants, induced leaf chlorsis, leaf crinkling, leaf size reduction and plant stunting. Spinach was more sensitive to surfactants than any other species tested, while lettuce was least sensitive.
