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篇名 種子生態與雜草管理
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Seed Ecology and Weed Management
作者 郭華仁
頁次 53-68
關鍵字 種子生態休眠土壤種子庫溫度seedecologydormancysoil seed banktemperatureTSCI
出刊日期 200412




This article was tended to review main aspects of the seed bank ecology. Firstly, the methods of estimating seed bank were compared, examples of soil seed bank were tabulated, factors affecting seed bank of arable lands were discussed, and the importance of the categories of soil seed bank was stressed, Secondly, dormancy cycles and field emergence were discussed at length, beginning from the methodology of revealing the dormancy cycle of buried seed, and then some examples of different types of the cycle. This topic was ended with the role of temperature in the periodically changes of the dormant status of the buried seeds. Finally, examples were given to demonstrate how to use the knowledge of seed bank ecology: weed control, reconstruction of habitat, production of wild plants, and classroom exercise.
