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篇名 除草劑伏速隆(Flazasulfuron)對非耕地雜草之防除效果
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Flazasulfuron for Control of Weeds in Non-crop Land
作者 周明和方再秋吳炳奇
頁次 105-115
關鍵字 伏速隆非耕地藥效藥害flazasulfuronnon-crop landweed controlcrop injuryTSCI
出刊日期 200412




Three trials were carried out by Hualien, Taoyuan and Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Stations to evaluate the new sulfonylurea herbicide flazasulfuron for the control of weeds in non-crop land by post-emergence application. Spraying 150 and 300 g/ha flazasulfuron provided an effective control of annual and perennial weeds such as Kyllinga brevifolia, Portulaca oleracea, Ageratum conyzoides, Tridax procumbens, Amaranthus viridis, Desmodium triflorum, Oxalis corniculata, Alysicarpus vaginalis, Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides. But averaged over all field trials at 40 days after application, grasses control with flazasulfuron atl50 and 300 g/ha was less than 45%.
