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篇名 水稻田常用農藥對稻株生育之影響
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Phytotoxicity of Pesticides Used in Paddy Field on Rice Growth and Yield
作者 蔣永正
頁次 83-96
關鍵字 藥害鐵鉀砷酸銨克枯爛水稻產量產量成分phytotoxicityMAFAtecloftalamriceyieldyield componentsTSCI
出刊日期 200412




MAFA and tecloftalam are widely used fungicides for controlling sheath blight and bacterial leaf blight on transplanted rice in Taiwan. It shows inadequate use at sensitive growth stages could result in phytotoxicity of rice plant. A study was conducted to investigate the effect of MAFA and tecloftalam applied at various developmental stages on the performance of yield and yield components of rice plants. Tested fungicides were sprayed over-top to potted plants at panicle initiation stage, booting stage and heading stage. Symptoms of panicle twisting and stigma necrosis appeared after tested fungicides spraying at panicle initiation stage and booting stage. Plant yield was significantly affected by MAFA and tecloftalam treatments at different stages except that at heading stage. Among the yield components, filled-grain percentage and 1000-grain weight decreased markedly. The reduction in yield might be due to inhibition of effective grains filling by tested pesticides. Bioassay methods were developed using cucumber, lettuce and rice as the test species to evaluate the phytotoxicity of pesticides. Dose-response relationships were established for the radical elongation of each test crop and chemical. Based on the data presented here, this bioassay appeared to be useful in evaluating the potential toxicity of pesticides to crops.
