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篇名 水、土中甲基合氯氟之殘留分析
卷期 26:2
並列篇名 Analytical Methods for the Determination of Haloxyfop-methyl Residues in Water and Soil
作者 徐慈鴻李貽華
頁次 103-114
關鍵字 甲基合氯氟殘留溶劑萃取法固相萃取法柑桔園haloxyfop-methylresidueswatersoilliquid-liquid extraction LLEsolid-phase extraction SFEcitrus orchardTSCI
出刊日期 200512




A precise method was developed for detecting the residues of haloxfop-methyl by gas liquid chromatography (GLC) with electron capture detector. Haloxyfop-methyl is used for weed control in citrus orchard in Taiwan. The residues of haloxyfop-methyl in water and soil have not been studied in Taiwan. Solid-phase extraction followed by GLC techniques was used for the monitoring of haloxyfop-methyl in water. Soil samples were extracted with acetone, the extract was then cleaned up using C18 cartridge before being subjected to GLC analysis. The correlation coefficient of the linear standard curves of haloxyfop-methyl was 0.992. Recovery of haloxyfop-methyl in water were as in the 90.7-93.1% range. Recovery of haloxyfop-methyl in soil was in the 89.1-91.4% range. The detection limit of haloxyfop-methyl in water and soil were 0.06μg/L and 1.48μg/Kg, respectively. This study was conducted to investigate the residues of water and soil following herbicide application. Water samples collected from pond lower of the citrus orchard. No residue of haloxyfop-methyl was detected in water and soils which were sampled from citrus orchard.
