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篇名 除草劑二、四-地及巴拉刈引起作物藥害之診斷
卷期 26:2
並列篇名 Phytotoxicity of 2,4-D and Paraquat to Crops
作者 蔣永正
頁次 91-102
關鍵字 四-地巴拉刈噴頭微量噴施藥害徵狀2,4-Dparaquatspray nozzlesymptom of herbicide injuryTSCI
出刊日期 200512


本研究利用Sigma Scan Pro 5.0影像分析軟體,探討8001vs、8004vs、8006vs、8008vs、及11001vs、11006vs等不同類型噴頭,噴施霧粒在不同距離之粒徑分布趨勢,及比較粒徑大小引起藥害之徵狀差異。粒徑細小之霧粒趨向分布於較遠距離,小於100μm之霧粒在距噴頭500公分處之粒數相對量最多(31%),較大粒徑之霧粒(大於400μm)主要集中在100公分處(50%)。比較噴頭在不同距離之平均粒徑,噴幅相近之系列噴頭,出水量愈大者粒徑亦愈大。型號8001vs噴頭由100至500公分處之平均粒徑,依序為354,206,98,34及21μm;8008vs則為645,440,255,93及28μm。噴頭11001vs與11006vs亦有類似趨勢。比較測試噴頭之液滴飄散距離;8001vs及8004vs大部分集中於200~400公分處,8006vs之噴液,在100及200公分處之相對粒數分別為33及34%,8008vs在100公分處之液滴粒數高達52%。編號11001vs之噴頭集中於300及400公分處,100公分處最少僅5%,11006vs液滴主要落於100~300公分處,400及500公分處僅5-8%左右。比較測試噴頭粒徑之分布;8001vs噴頭噴出之液滴中有54%為100~200μm間之霧粒,粒徑大於400μm之霧粒僅3%。8004vs則以100~200μm間之霧粒數最多(46%),8006vs則以200~400μm間之霧粒數最多(46%),次為100-200μm之粒徑占31%。8008vs噴液中,粒徑大於400μm及介於100-200μm之霧粒均為25%。11001vs以介於100-200μm大小之霧粒數最多(63%),小於100μm者占23%,大於400μm之霧粒數僅2%。11006vs之液滴粒徑以100-200μm(42%)及200-400μm(36%)為主,其他小於100μm及200-400μm者各占11%。低劑量之二、四一地及巴拉刈藥液,以8001vs噴頭噴施至不同種類之測試作物,記錄植株在不同距離接觸藥劑復,引起之藥害徵狀差異。巴拉刈引起葉片藥斑大小之變化程度與噴頭距離有關。距噴頭100公分處,含二、四一地之藥液會導致葉面皺縮、平行葉脈等徵狀,遠至300公分以上時則引起莖葉捲曲等異常。


A wind tunnel to simulate the drift phenomena of spraying was adopted in this study to evaluate different nozzle types on herbicide injury to crops. The results showed the characteristics of the droplets were related to the type of nozzle and injection working pressure of liquid. The increase of droplet size would diminish the drift phenomena. Sensitive crops injury resulting from drift of herbicide is an important concern as these crops often are grown in close proximity. One feature known to influences drift is the size distribution of the spray droplets. Small droplets that have a low terminal velocity comparable with the wind speed above crops are prone to drift. Due to the small droplets in the atomized spray from air-assist sprayer, drift can be a consequence. Droplet size also can affect herbicide spray performance. Injury of herbicides to non-target crops was mainly caused by spray drift. Often, herbicides have the potential for reducing growth of susceptible non-target crops with a very low level. Droplet size also can affect herbicide spray performance. Injury of paraquat and 2,4-D had the potential for reducing growth of susceptible crops with a very low level.
