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篇名 彰雲地區地下水中巴拉刈之含量調查
卷期 27:1
並列篇名 Monitoring of Groundwater for Paraquat in Chunghua and Yunlin, Taiwan
作者 徐慈鴻李貽華
頁次 21-30
關鍵字 巴拉刈殘留地下水固相萃取法彰化雲林paraquatresiduegroundwatersolid-phase extractionChunghuaYunlinTSCI
出刊日期 200606


本研究建立以紫外光光譜儀檢測水中巴拉刈之殘留方法,並以此方法進行彰雲地區地下水中巴拉刈之殘留調查。巴拉刈在台灣地區使用廣泛,地下水中巴拉刈之殘留在台灣地區尚未被探討。水樣通過裝有陽離子交換樹脂(Amberlite DP-1)之分析管柱,以4N氯化銨溶液淋洗出巴拉刈,淋洗液加二硫亞磺酸鈉(Sodium Dithionite)反應呈色後,以UV-Visible Spectrophotometer檢測,波長為394nm。巴拉刈之線性迴歸係數為0.999。分別添加10、20及50μg/L之標準品於純水、地下水及灌溉水水中進行回收率試驗,其平均回收率分別為90.1~92.0%,87.2~88.6%及86.6~87.4%,本方法可用於地下水或灌溉水中巴拉刈殘留之檢驗。水中之偵測界限為2.5μg/L。以本方法進行彰雲地區地下水中巴拉刈之殘留調查,連續監測3年之1053件地下水樣品皆未檢測出巴拉刈之殘留


A spectrophotometric method was developed for detecting the residues of paraquat in groundwater samples. Paraquat is an extensively used herbicide in Taiwan. The residues of paraquat in groundwater have not been studied in Taiwan. Water samples were allowed to pass through Amberlite DP-1 column. The paraquat was adsorbed by DP-1, which was later eluted by passing of 4N ammonium chloride. Paraquat is reduced with sodium dithionite in an alkaline medium to give a blue radical ion with an absorbance maximum at 394 nm. The correlation coefficient of the linear standard curves of paraquat was 0.999. Recoveries of paraquat in pure water, groundwater and irrigation water were in the 90.1-92.0, 87.2-88.6% and 86.6-87.4% range, respectively. The detection limit of paraquat in water was 2.5μg/L. The method was applicable for the determination of paraquat in groundwater or irrigation water. This study was conducted to investigate the residues of groundwater in Chunghua and Yunlin, Taiwan. No residue of paraquat was detected in 1053 groundwater samples which were sampled from Chunghua and Yunlin, Taiwan.
