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篇名 旱田雜草綜合管理
卷期 27:1
並列篇名 Integrated Weed Management of Upland Crops
作者 蕭政弘
頁次 13-20
關鍵字 旱田作物雜草綜合防治upland cropintegrated weed managementTSCI
出刊日期 200606




Upland crops include coarse grains, special crops, vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants that have various species and complicated agricultural methods. More weeds species have occurred in upland than in paddy. Therefore, the weeds management of upland crops should be integrated instead of spotted. Integrated weed management (IWM) has induced for the upland weeds control by ways of scouting evaluation and strategies of prevention, control and eradication. Weeds control can be accomplished through the use of several different means against varied crops and weeds. IWM will interrupt ecosystem of weeds, inhibit weeds population, continually reduce the competition between weeds and crops. Avoid overusing of single weeds control practice can get rational effect of weeds control in upland for the future.
