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篇名 全球氣候變遷對農作物生產之潛在影響
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on Crop Production
作者 楊純明
頁次 112-130
關鍵字 氣候變遷作物生產溫室效應溫室效應氣體因應對策永續農業climate changecrop productiongreenhouse effectgreenhouse effect gasescorresponsive strategysustaining agricultureTSCI
出刊日期 200706


氣候與環境在地球形成後即不斷的變遷,惟其轉變速率緩慢,概以千、萬年甚或百萬年計。自19世紀工業革命迄今近兩百年來,由於大量石化燃料被消耗,加上人造化學品的產製、人類各樣活動的釋放、天然與人爲的災變及太陽光輻射的變動等因素,使得大氣中累積各種溫室效應氣體(greenhouse gases)。這些氣體持續的蓄積遂增強了地球溫室效應(greenhouse effect),促成全球的溫暖化(global warming),也改變了氣象的常態運轉與演變,從而加速全球氣候變遷(global climate change)。氣候的快速變遷影響層面廣大而深遠,無論生物或非生物,凡無法及無能適應者均將遭受鉅變甚至滅絕。氣候變遷當然影響農作物的生產,農作物生產的異動相對亦將反饋影響氣候,造成氣候的不穩定或更劇烈的變化。爲期人類糧食的穩定供應,生活空間的長久維持,乃至於大地萬物的生生不息,吾人應當關切全球氣候變遷議題,並謀求因應對策、規劃適當調整方向,以降低農業(農作物)生產的負面衝擊。


During the estimated five-billion history of the Earth in the past, changes of climate and environment were continuously and progressively. The current concerns on the accelerating greenhouse effect were due mainly to man-made emission of various gases in the atmosphere, such as CO2, CH4, N2O and CFCs, that can absorb outward long-wave radiation into the space. Such phenomenon becomes stronger yearly since the nineteen century, and is now recognized imposing a tremendous influence over the globe as a whole, including a large-scale global climate change and the numerous environmental consequences. The influence of global climate change is overwhelmingly and extends to both biotic and non-biotic sectors. With regard to food supply, living space protection, and ecology integrity, many hard works and efforts have placed on issues in related to reducing greenhouse gases and problems derived from climate change. To mitigate the negative effects of climate change on environment and crop production, suggestions will be given and corresponsive strategies will be discussed in this paper.
