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篇名 甘藷有機栽培雜草管理之研究
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 Weed Management in Organic Cultivation of Sweet Potato
作者 吳至誠侯金日
頁次 18-36
關鍵字 甘藷有機栽培雜草管理綠肥覆蓋sweet potatoorganic cultivationweed managementgreen manuremulchTSCI
出刊日期 200706


本試驗以甘藷品種台農57號及台農72號爲材料,藉中耕處理、覆蓋稻草、苦茶粕及花生殼之覆蓋材料與畦溝間作田菁、太陽麻及綠肥大豆之豆科綠肥作物探討對甘藷農藝性狀、產量及田間雜草管理的影響。就中耕次數對甘藷農藝農藝性狀之影響,臺農72號僅在莖葉長度有顯著的差異,最長爲對照組233.06cm,最短爲中耕3次爲194.79cm;不同覆蓋材料之影響以臺農57號在塊根個數、塊根重與塊根產量有顯著的差異,皆以覆蓋稻草表現最佳,臺農72號塊根重與塊根產量,則以覆蓋花生殼表現最佳;畦溝間作綠肥之影響則臺農57號與臺農72號之農藝性狀在溝間間植田菁、太陽麻與綠肥大豆單株塊根重量及單位面積塊根產量皆表現較對照組爲佳,但就兩品種產量比較,臺農57號較臺農72號高。春作甘藷有機栽培各種處理於收穫前調查田間主要雜草概況,兩品種經中耕處理1-3次後的雜草密度,皆顯著低於對照組,臺農57號最低爲中耕3次1.50 plant m^(-2),臺農72號最低爲中耕2次5.33 plant m^(-2)。兩品種經覆蓋處理後的雜草密度,皆以覆蓋稻草爲最低分別爲5.50 plant m^(-2)及5.67 plant m^(-2)。兩品種經畦溝間作綠肥處理後的雜草密度,臺農57號最低爲間作田菁3.17 plant m^(-2);臺農72號最低爲間作太陽麻6.83 plant m^(-2)。雜草乾重方面,臺農57號在不同處理間之表現:中耕處理最低爲中耕3次、覆蓋處理最低爲覆蓋稻草與苦茶粕、畦溝間作綠肥最低爲間作綠肥大豆;臺農72在不同處理間之表現則爲:中耕處理最低爲中耕2次、覆蓋處理最低爲覆蓋稻草、畦溝間作綠肥最低爲間作太陽麻。甘藷種植後第20天、第40天及第60天進行中耕除草培土皆有顯著的抑制雜草生長;藉農業廢棄資材覆蓋,在稻草、苦茶粕及花生殼不僅抑制雜草且可增加甘藷塊根產量;間作綠肥在臺農57號有顯著的雜草抑制效果,且增加塊根產量。中耕除草培土,覆蓋稻草及畦溝間作田菁、太陽麻及綠肥大豆是皆值得推廣於甘藷有機栽培的雜草管理策略。


Two varieties of sweet potato, Tainung 57 (TNG 57) and Tainung 72 (TNG 72) were used in this study. With cultivation treatment, mulch rice straw, tea-seed dregs, peanut shell and interseeding green manure crop sesbania, sun hemp and soybean (Tainan 4) on sweet potato agronomic characters, yield and weed management. The cultivation times had effect on the agronomic characters of sweet potato. There are significant differences on the length of stem and leaf for TNG 72, the longest one found in control set is 233.06cm, and the shortest one found in cultivation (three times) is 194.79cm. For the effect of the materials used for mulch, there are significant differences on the tuberous root number, tuberous root weight, and yield for TNG 57, is higher if used peanut shell as mulch. For the effects of interseeding crops of green manure: there were higher production on tuberous root weight per plant and yield in an area for TNG 57 and TNG 72 if the sesbania, sun hemp, and soybean (Tainan 4) were used. TNG 57 compare yield higher than TNG 72. Sweet potato harvest before investigate weed condition both varieties with cultivation 1 to 3 times were significance reduce weed density for spring crops, TNG 57 cultivated three times and TNG 72 cultivated two times were lower. The lowest density of weeds growing on both sweet potato varieties, TNG 57 and TNG 72, after treated with differentially mulch materials was used of rice straw, and showed as 5.5 plant m^(-2) and 5.67 plant m^(-2), respectively. If treated with differentially green manures, the sesbania for TNG 57 was showing 3.17 plant m^(-2) and the sun hemp for TNG 72 was showed as 6.83 plant m^(-2) that were conferred the lowest density of weeds. The results of the lowest of dry weight of the weeds were showed as below: for TNG 57, 3 times of cultivation, used of rice straw and tea-seed dregs as mulch, and green manure soybean (Tainan 4) as the interseeding crop; for TNG 72, 2 times of cultivation, used of rice straw as mulch, and sun hemp as the interseeding crop. There were proceeded after 20-, 40-, and 60-days of sweet potato planted. By using the differentially mulch materials, such as the rice straw, tea-seed dregs and peanut shells, these treatment not only repressed the growth of weeds but also enhanced the production of the sweet potato yield. threes effect were also meet as the treatment of inrerseeding green manure for TNG 57. Our results showing some of the strategies of weed management were worth to extend, such as the cultivation, mulch with rice straw, interseeding crops with sesbania, sun hemp and green manure soybean (Tainan 4).
