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篇名 抗嘉磷塞作物之發展及其抗藥性機制
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 Development of glyphosate-resistant Crops and Its Resistance Mechanism
作者 袁秋英蔣慕琰
頁次 196-210
關鍵字 嘉磷塞基改作物抗藥性作用機制glyphosategenetically modified cropherbicide-resistancemechanismTSCI
出刊日期 200712


嘉磷塞(glyphosate)為全球使用最多之非選擇性除草劑,其主要作用原理為抑制芳香族胺基酸生合成路徑中5-enol-pyruvylshikimate-3-phosphatesynthase (EPSPS)酵素之作用。由於此藥劑於雜草防除具上廣效性、價格低廉及對哺乳類動物低毒性的特質,於近十年來嘉磷塞的抗性常被應用於基因改造作物的研發。目前有三種途徑可增加作物對於嘉磷塞的抗性,最初之研究採用細胞培養方式,逐步增加嘉磷塞的濃度,篩選出抗性細胞株,主要原因為抗性細胞株的EPSPS基因增幅,EPSPS 酵素大量形成,或是增加酵素的穩定性之故。其次是利用源自土壤微生物可代謝嘉磷塞功能的酵素蛋白基因,包括編碼為glyphosate oxidoreductase (GOX)或glyphosate N-acetyl transferase (GAT)的轉基因,可避免嘉磷塞的傷害。另一方式為轉殖一具抗性EPSPS基因,其中來自農桿菌CP4菌株(Agrobacterium sp. Strain CP4)之EPSPS的抗性最強,目前商業化生產的抗嘉磷塞基改作物,其轉基因以CP4 EPSPS為主。


Glyphosate (N-phophonomethyl glycine) is a widely used herbicide that acts non-selectively through inhibition of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) in the aromatic biosynthesis pathway. This low cost herbicide is environmental safe and can effectly control most weeds. In the past two decades, there are intensive researches on creating crops with glyphosate tolerance. The following 3 strategies have been used: progressive adaptation of cultured plant cells to increased glyphosate concentrations, transforming plants with glyphosate metabolism genes, insertion of a glyphosate tolerant EPSPS gene. This article present detail information on the strategies used on developing glyphosate tolerant crops.
