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篇名 植物生長調節劑對馬尼拉芝(Zoysia matrella)草坪繁殖與建立的影響
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 Effects of Plant Growth Regulators on the Propagation and Establishment of Manilagrass (Zoysia matrella) Turf
作者 謝清祥黃國書
頁次 176-183
關鍵字 植物生長調節劑馬尼拉芝繁殖與建立plant growth regulatorsmanilagrasspropagation and establishmentTSCI
出刊日期 200712


馬尼拉芝為結縷草屬(Zoysia)植物之一,在熱帶及亞熱帶地區常被用為一般家庭庭院、公園及高爾夫球場之草坪,此草坪之繁殖與建立速度緩慢為大面積栽培生產之主要限制因子。本研究探討利用五種植物生長調節劑加速馬尼拉芝繁殖與建立之可能性。除對照組外,生長調節劑處理及濃度為:NAA(10^(-5)M), IAA(10^(-5)M), IBA(10^(-5)M), BA(10^(-5)M)及GA(100ppm)。試驗結果顯示:IBA與NAA處理於草莖成長期會顯著提升草坪之覆蓋率,草坪經修剪後此二處理亦最快達到完全建立。葉片色素含量分析顯示,BA處理於草坪建立初期,以類胡蘿蔔素含量最高。後期處理NAA,導致葉綠素含量最高,但其餘色素在各處理間則無顯著差異,其中仍以NAA及IBA處理之葉色較深。平均根數以NAA及BA與對照處理表現相近,根長則以IBA及BA處理與對照相近。植株密度之反應以IAA具相對較高之分枝數。分枝長度則以IAA, BA及GA處理顯著較長。綜合結果以NAA及IBA處理可有效加速馬尼拉芝之建立及有利於提高草坪品質,值得生產業者之參考。


Manilagrass belongs to the Zoysia family and is commonly used as lawn in tropical and sub-tropical areas. The turf shows distinct character of slow growth and establishment which is the major limiting factor on turf farm production. In this research five different plant growth regulators were used, as compare to the check, to test their potential on the fastening the propagation and establishment of the turf. Plant growth regulator treatments used were: NAA(10^(-5)M), IAA(10^(-5)M), IBA(10^(-5)M), BA(10^(-5)M) and GA(100ppm). The results showed that: IBA and NAA treatments significantly promoted turf coverage within shorter period in early stages of sprig propagation. After mowing practice initiated both treatments showed fastest turf establishment. Turf leaf pigments analysis showed that BA treatment had significant highest carotenoid contain at the early stage. NAA treatment showed high chlorophyll b contain at later stages. No significant differences on pigment contents among all treatments at rest periods. However, NAA and IBA showed higher color grading. For average root number produced NAA and BA showed no significant differences from control. And, IBA and BA treatments had the same average root length with control. The density measurements of branching per plant showed IAA was significant higher than other treatments. IAA, BA and GA treatments showed significant higher branching length. In conclusion, NAA and IBA treatments both can effectively shorten the establishment period also promote turf qualities thus can be recommended for turf producers.
